As a leading security service company in Texas, we have developed tools and systems that provide our clients with additional value beyond the protection of life and property. Our Automated Payroll, Billing and Scheduling (APBS) System™ is controlled and managed by Westex.
The APBS System™ has sophisticated human resource management software that tracks all officers’ employment information, successful training achievements and developmental milestones. This ongoing history profile assures management selects the right security officer with the prerequisite skills for your site. Additionally, Westex managers are informed by the APBS System software of employment anniversaries or career achievements which could be the basis for management to recommend performance based incentives or promotions.
Retention of trained high performance security officers and supervisors is a priority for Westex and our clients. An inaccurate payroll check is one of the most frequently mentioned motivators for security officers to seek a new engagement. Westex APBS System insures accuracy and contributes to officer retention. Conversely, billings are accurate when hourly employees work is properly accounted for by the APBS System software. Billing inaccuracies are minimized by design and payroll anomalies identified early for review by Westex management personnel. Our clients’ billings are therefore accurate, easy to understand and simple validate in an audit.
Please contact us to learn how Westex’s Automated Payroll, Billing and Scheduling (APBS) System™ empowers our clients, reduces resources dedicated to billing audits and brings cost-saving efficiencies to your business.